The Power of Love
I know I’m a bit late in the month to be thinking about love, but I was struck by a somewhat saddening thought yesterday regarding the question of love. You’ve heard me talk about love languages before and it’s something…

Park Life
Before becoming a parent one of the things I used to resent was standing, freezing my butt off, with other mums in the park, watching their children swing, slide etc, and only having the usual snippets of conversation as the…

Be thankful
I feel confronted by a challenge at the moment, and one I have to admit, I don’t yet have the…

January Friend
I tend to find January a bit of a tough month if I’m honest. It’s cold and dark and often…

Whatever next?
I have been reminded this week of the importance of journeying through parenthood with others. It’s something I’ve mentioned before…

Our daily bread
Creativity, experimentation, an awakening of senses, connections, celebrations, enjoyment, fun, laughter, family, necessity, daily, basic need…what do all these connotations…

New Year; New You?
Who gets to January and thinks yey, it’s a new year…that means a new me? Or who gets to January…

Deck the halls
If you’re anything like me when your kid brings home a delightful hand-crafted decoration from school, you’ll do the classic…

The way you make me feel
Happy, sad, angry, scared, disgusted, excited, surprised, jealous, amused, bored, frustrated, embarrassed, shy, joyful, puzzled, relieved…the list goes on. Emotions…

Only Mummy
It can be very challenging/frustrating when you just want to get something done so you give your bundle of joy…

Do you believe?
My mum informs me that when I was a little girl she had to tell me that Father Christmas wasn’t…

Mum Guilt
Earlier this year I heard someone answer the question “what would you do differently in life” as follows: “ I’d…

You Can’t Hurry Love
This morning I was reminded of such a helpful tool I thought it only fair to share. As a therapist,…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside
I don’t want to give the impression that I absolutely hate the cold and live longing for the summer. That’s…

Autumn Days
I am so incredibly grateful that a season as worthy as autumn follows the summer. Saying goodbye to the warmth…

Bubble Pop
Hasn’t it been nice to have the sun over the last couple of days and appreciate the warmth of it…

Sunday Blues
Sunday afternoon blues…how many of us get that weird sinking feeling as the weekend draws to a close and the…

Run Mummy Run!
“Not enough time”, “no inclination/motivation”, “too tired”, “no childcare”, “not sure what to do”. These may sound familiar. Fitting exercise…

Peanut Butter
(Can you believe there is a song about peanut butter?!?! In fact, there are loads!) There is an absolute definite…

Express yourself
Are you the kind of person that takes words for face value or do you read between the lines and…

Sweet Dreams
“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” Ernest Hemingway Anyone else…

If at first
Have you ever heard of the expression “Achilles heel”? So, it turns out my Achilles heel is quite prominent and…

All grows up
Life is a journey, not a destination. A journey usually means changes in direction and scenery along the way. Surely,…

Summer Holiday
As August draws to a close so do the end of the British summer holidays. The mornings and evenings start…

“I think he just wanted to be noticed” – Billy Bixbee from There’s no such thing as a dragon Why…

Old Paint
Ahhh, the summer holidays. I wonder how you read that “ahhh”. Ahhh as in “help” or ahhh as in “phew”. …

What a wonderful world
As the end of a pretty hectic term draws to a close I think it’s about time I took a…

Don’t stop movin’
Our bodies are the texts that carry the memories and therefore remembering is no less than reincarnation – Katie Cannon…

Miss Polly had a dolly
“Ah the wonderful world of a child’s imagination” Raymond Briggs, The Bear This winter (or should I say eight months)…

Never never land
I have two fictional heroes. Robin Hood and Peter Pan. Random? Perhaps. So why? There is something about their spirit…

We are family
When did you last take a minute to stop and think about what you value as a family? Good question,…

Lollipop, lollipop…
Creativity is a wonderful phenomenon. It comes in all shapes and sizes and one of the most beautiful things about…

We’re going on a bear hunt
This time last year we were basking in that glorious British heatwave. This time this year I’m sitting here in…

To infinity
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “Woah, that little life tottering around in front of me totally depends on me…

“Peepo….peepo…” how many times have you said that to a baby in a high pitched voice and thought, why do…

You’re Beautiful
Our bodies are extraordinary concepts. Our minds are even more staggering. Yet, however detached we may feel from one or…

It’s a kind of magic
Sickness and utter exhaustion, blissful and divine, excruciating pain, emotional rollercoaster, terrifying, life-changing, nothing prepares you, incredible love, feeling like…

Picture Perfect
Today marks the end of maternal mental health week and the focus for today is positivity. When I was at…

Call the Midwife
It’s 3.25am and I’ve woken up soaking wet. Have I wet myself? No, surely I have more control than that…
That’s what little girls are made of
I love having a little girl. There is something about the mother and daughter bond which is just so special. …

More tea vicar?
Hands up who loves a good cup ‘a tea? Whatever the variety, sometimes there is not a lot that beats…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Easter…
The sun is shining, the lambs are skipping in the fields and the Easter holidays are nearly here! It feels…

We’re all in this together
I was going to be setting the second of the two Easter holiday challenges today but I didn’t wake up…

Round and round the garden
Doesn’t the sun make such a difference? You may have noticed a strong theme in many of my blogs about…

For a limited time only
I thought I’d better get this recipe up quick before the key ingredient disappears from our river beds. Who out…

Away with the fairies
Who said fairies and princesses need to be dressed in pink sequins, with fluffy wings, and ballerina tutus? As I…

The influential screen
What is it about screens that is just so appealing? Studies show that people are online for an average of…

This blog needs to come with a health warning…it is about exercise! It would seem that exercise is a bit…

Who cares?
Self-care seems to be the buzz word of the year and we’re only half way through February. I am going…

“Would you like a wake-up call, Mam?”
“Mummy, I’ve had enough now” was not the call I expected to wake me at 3am on June 23rd 2015. …

There are so many recipes out there these days and so many rules and ideas about what to eat and…

The house at Pooh Corner
“I’ve been thinking,” said Pooh, “and what I’ve been thinking is this. I’ve been thinking about Eeyore.” “What about Eeyore?”…