As the end of a pretty hectic term draws to a close I think it’s about time I took a minute to practice what I preach! I have spoken to a lot of people over the last week who in one way or another feel totally drained. Surely the summer should be a time of relaxation, warm evenings sitting out, and a boost of energy. Or is that just in the movies? Instead, it seems to feel like an endless term, tired kids (therefore tired parents), and in our household, mountains of A-level papers to be marked. I love the summer and just this morning had a flashback to the wet winter we had and it gave me a shudder. So, I thought, right, time to take a step back and be thankful. To do this, all I had to do was open my eyes.
C is for the clouds. Usually, I’m not a fan as they shield the sun, but when there are paint strokes like this in the sky I always think God has been busy painting.

R is for rainbows and running. I love a rainbow. I love everything about them. The fact that the sun is coming out after the rain, the thought of the promise they hold, the scientific phenomenon that they are, the beautiful colours emphasised by the dark sky behind. I also love running. The chance to get out, get fresh air and get connected with creation.
E is for edible delights, evergreens, and expanse. We have had a wonderful crop from the garden of strawberries and raspberries, courgettes and Cavolo Nero and there’s more to look forward to. Evergreens are those steady constants that bring a glimmer of summer throughout the year. They remind us that there is life beyond the dreary winter. As summer arrives they knowledgeably welcome the other trees back to greenery. When it comes to outdoors I particularly like the details, however, sometimes the power of the great expanse can put all sorts of things in my little life back into perspective.
A is for after the storm and affirmation. The crisp smell that follows a storm, the freshness of the air and the deepening of the colours. Similarly to a vast expanse, being out affirms who I am and where I belong.
T is for twists and turns. Like, I said, I like the detail in the outdoors, the anticipation as to what lies around the corner, the beauty in what lies beyond. In life, I’m a planner. The sense of freedom from not knowing what’s hidden around the bend is daunting but therefore exciting. It’s what keeps life interesting!
I is for iconic. We have the classical and the supreme right in front of our eyes. Time to open them!
O is for openness and outdoors. One of the main reasons I love getting outdoors is because of the openness. Life feels less squashed when there isn’t a roof on top of it. I also become more able to organise my thoughts and some of my best conversations have been had whilst outdoors walking. The outdoors opens creativity and inspiration.

N is for nature and natural. These are a few of my favourite things. Nuff said.

What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for creation.
10 thoughts on “What a wonderful world”
I wish I had taken photos but the other night we had the COOLEST sun set (I’m talking yellow, to orange, to purple, to orange, to fading out) but with very bright and vivid colors, and then we had a rainbow before the sun went down. I’ve never see anything like it in my life.
Sounds amazing!
There are some fantastic shots there! So glad I’m on this adventure with you!
Such beautiful pictures here! I”m super drawn to rainbows, so those were some of my favorites. Thank you for the reminder to slow down and appreciate the beauty around us!
Life goes so quickly, we have to force ourselves to, don’t we? Luckily, we have so much on our doorsteps we don’t have to go far to do so!
I’m thankful for writing like this! And the opportunity to read it. Also, for the chance at any moment to stop direction and do what you should. Appreciate what’s there.
It’s crazy that it’s what we “should” do, but so rarely actually do.
If I can get better at this by 1% daily, I’d love that.
Awww, I love this so much! I’ve always loved this time of year, but I feel like this summer in particular is just flying by and I’m sad that it’s more than halfway over when I haven’t gotten outdoors to do all the nature walks and laughing and drinking on the patio that I should have at this point. I love the photos of rainbows and flowers you shared <3 Hope you are enjoying your summer and taking advantage of these long nights!
I know! I can’t believe we’re in July already. The year is flying. Hope you manage to get out a bit soon!
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