…oh wait…we can’t. I’m sure there are many of you who have had Christmas plans shattered as the news last week told us that we could no longer spend Christmas elsewhere. It came as a bit of a blow to us as I was hoping my parents could see Awena as they have basically missed the first six months of her life. However, I must remain positive because at least I can see them for the day and I’m not spending Christmas alone as I know so many will be. We decided as a family that we would get creative over zoom and try and pop one little thing in each day to keep us connected. If your kids are anything like Poppi they’ll be totally zoomed out and become really silly sitting in front of the screen, so we decided we needed to think of alternative ideas to keep the kids entertained and then have an evening or two set aside for adults only.

I shall keep this brief but just wanted to share a couple of our ideas if you are feeling stuck (especially with this horrendous weather!!). Poppi had expressed an interest to learn to make a fire, so for the last three afternoons she, her cousin and my dad have set about building a fire in our respective log burners. Today I did a very simple Christmas craft for the two kids (which I will share below). Tomorrow, my mum will do a bedtime Christmas story for the cousins. We are planning an extended family quiz on boxing day and a zoom meal (where we all cook the same thing and eat at the same time so it’s as if we are together) on the 27th. Very simple, but just somethings to carry the spirit of Christmas despite being separated.
Simple Christmas Craft
You will need:
Pine cones
Green/white paint
Wine corks
To make your pine cone Christmas tree
- Paint your pine cone either green or white (I added a bit of PVA glue to the paint as I was just using kids poster paints – this helps it stick better to the pine cone)
- Add a little sparkle with glitter and /or sequins
- Glue a star to the top of your tree
- Place your pine cone on top of a wine cork (pre-cut the corks in half – this is very simple to do with a serrated knife) and glue in place
- Leave to dry

Simple, yet effective and easy to do over zoom. If you have any ideas you’d like to share, we’d love to hear them. At times like this, it is so important to work together, encourage one another and most importantly, keep connected.
Wishing all my readers a wonderful Christmas. You can do it!!