
Just a quick blog this evening following Poppi’s 3rd birthday.  This is the first birthday that’s really hit me and made me think how quickly my little bundle is growing up.  Time is a funny old thing.  It feels like I can barely remember life before Poppi, but yet the three years have gone so quickly.


We decided to throw a party today, the first one we’ve done yet.  Maybe I was in denial the previous two years that she is actually getting older, but now there is no hiding it.  She has loved birthdays and parties since my dad’s 60th in February 2017, where she was barely 18 months old.  Since that celebration she has played birthdays with her toys and worn party hats around the house for no particular reason or occasion.  So, today, we had the real thing.  Friends, bunting, balloons, cake, games, party bags, and of course party hats.  And I have to say I didn’t mind it!  I thought I’d dread doing birthday parties with all the fuss, chaos and organisation, not to mention having lots of little people to keep happy (it’s not like I used to be a teacher or anything!!).  Poppi had a lovely time and reported at the end of the day that her favourite things about the day were “the crisps and my bike”.  Simple things!


I feel like we have turned a corner in the last month and although Poppi is still a challenge when she’s tired, the chats and time spent together makes the last year of constant battles start to seem worth it.  So, I guess a little encouragement for all those still facing or in the midst of ‘the terrible twos’.  Keep going, persevering and being consistent.  Keep seeking the positives in the little things.  Over the last few months I have been creating a list where each day I write down something I am thankful for.  This has allowed me to reflect at the end of the day and, regardless of the overall feel of the day, find those moments which bring joy, a smile, a sense of achievement, or just a glimmer of hope.


Anyway, it’s been a week of late nights prepping presents for a treasure hunt, making cakes (for some crazy reason I apparently agreed to make four 10 inch cakes for a friend for the same weekend – what kind of state I was in when this was asked of me I don’t know (probably asleep)), icing cakes (the request being ‘I’d like a pink cake’ (thank you Pinterest)), putting up bunting and blowing up balloons, so it’s goodnight from me and warm and well wishes to all the mummies watching their little darlings growing up too fast.